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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Vikes Lose to Steelers; 911 tape released!

As expected, the Vikings lost to the Steelers this Sunday.

In other news, police on Thursday released a transcript of a 911 call in connection with allegations of lewd behavior by Minnesota Vikings players.

A woman called police around 9:20 p.m. on Oct. 6 to report some men had gotten out of a vehicle and urinated in her yard, according to the transcript.

The caller said, "There was a big shuttle bus limousine that pulled up alongside of my house, and there was like seven black men who got out and stopped and peed all over my yard."

The dispatcher asked, "How many?"

"There was like six or seven," the caller says. "There was a whole busload of them. But the bus driver stopped right alongside my house, and there was six or seven black men that got out, probably, I'd maybe say 19, 18, 19, maybe even 20."

The dispatcher then informed the caller that these black men, whom are rarely seen in her trendy Lake Minnetonka neighborhood, were likely rap stars or athletes and probably had been drinking, smoking weed, and having sex and just needed to relieve themselves in the same manner as white people do.

The caller was satisfied with the dispatcher’s answer and hung up. Oops, these last two paragraphs don’t really contain what happened next, do they?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, im in baltimore, the day after i went to the ravens game where we were slapped around by a team way below .500. When your team is in the playoff hunt and you lose to a piss poor team infront of the nation it is enough for me to say you can fire him. Cant beleve he sent the punting unit on when it was 4th & 1 at the 40 in the 4th quarter. Tice is a bum. So this sunday against the bears I will be attending a meaningless game instead of a game that couldve meant playoffs, something tice has only been able to get to once, only becuz the nfc sucked last year and allowed a .500 team in the playoffs. tice is a joke, i think they should get his son Mike Grant as head coach. Vikes are still my team tho. PURPLE PRIDE! SKOL VIKES!

8:36 PM  

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